Thursday, January 7, 2010

Today wasnt so cold..

How pretty ^_^ Again today I let crazy friends take driving lessons in the cemetary, while smoking a blunt.... aint I a great teacher? lol. Oh well it was fun. Too bad the peak is getting knocked down :( We passed it while cruising. ahh the memories ! Plentyyyy drunken nights in these cemetarys. Fires burning, mad of us just chillin & buggin out. And alot of weed in the air ^_^. good times, good times...<3

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My friend INFLAMES <3

Image and video hosting by TinyPictehehehee. Its pretty fucked up of me, but I seem to enjoy taking pictures that look like im burning my friends face off.. LOL. Other then it being extremly mean... this picture looks fucking hot :) Dont you agree??.. oh and gigi... MY LIGHTER!!!!!!!! haha >=] ..I went through hell for this prertty black lighter. the bitch almost broke my nose ! >.< ciao.